Saturday, December 5, 2015

Final Cog Blog

This semester has taught me a lot about cognition and how the brain works as a whole. As of right now I would take another hybrid class, but I would talk more about the assignments in class, but maybe that is because I am a visual learner. I love taking hybrid classes because I can do the work at my pace even though there are due dates for anything. 

One thing that I loved about this semester was learning about attention and perception because it is like the chicken and the egg which came first. I learned a lot about myself and what I need to do in order to attend or perceive something. I have problems in the past trying to pay attention due to distractions around me including my phone, Facebook and Snapchat. These things I have to figure out for myself how much that I can use any of these things. 

Now that I have taken this class I can understand why we think the way we do and how everyone is different in there own way. I can also understand how everyone can be different and why we think the way we do. I benefited from this class to teach me about cognition and how the mind works. I have always been interested in the brain and how the mind works, which explains why I am a psychology major, but this class helped me put everything into perspective in a new way.